
A chaotic & soul soothing fever dream

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The Kimpossibles

$5.00 per month

You take the impossible and make it KimPossible!
  • Digital Downloads of On-Stream Collages
  • Exclusive Discord Role
  • Early Access to New Merch
  • Members Only Merch
  • Exclusive Members Only Discounts
  • Monthly Themed Digital Downloads
  • Exclusive pricing to join monthly livestream Yoga class
  • Access to recording of 30-minute monthly livestream Yoga class

The Kimperfects

$10.00 per month

They said perfection was an illusion, so you looked them square in the soul and quacked as you rose above their tiny dreams to Kimperfection.
  • Digital Downloads of On-Stream Collages
  • Exclusive Discord Role
  • Early Access to New Merch
  • Members Only Merch
  • Exclusive Members Only Discounts
  • Monthly Themed Digital Downloads
  • Access to recording of 30-minute monthly livestream Yoga class
  • Exclusive pricing to join monthly livestream Yoga class

The Kimbeciles

$15.00 per month

I don't know what you're doing here.. You are clearly too kimpressionable for your own good. No?
  • Exclusive Discord Role

The Kimmortals

$20.00 $10.00 first month

You are a glob among gumans. You are no mere mortal - You are the Kimmortals.
  • Digital Downloads of On-Stream Collages
  • Exclusive Discord Role
  • Early Access to New Merch
  • Members Only Merch
  • Gib Merch Request ( Existing design on a product)
  • Exclusive Members Only Discount
  • Priority for kimmissions
  • Monthly Snail Mail!
  • Monthly Themed Digital Downloads
  • Exclusive 30-minute monthly livestream Yoga class + Recording

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Thank you so much for your support. Leave a message with your donation and I'll try to reply!
